2020-05-14 21:31:04 +02:00

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# jabbersend
jabbersend is a Ruby script to send XMPP (jabber) messages.
Original script by Harisankar P S (https://github.com/coderhs) at
## Setup
- Ruby 2.5.8+
- RubyGems
Example, to install Ruby and RubyGems on FreeBSD:
pkg inst devel/ruby-gems
Then, install `xmpp4r` gem:
gem install xmpp4r
or if you want to install the gem only for your user:
gem install --user-install xmpp4r
Install the script
mkdir ~/bin
git clone https://github.com/greinbold/jabbersend
cp jabbersend/jabbersend ~/bin/
chmod 700 ~/bin/jabbersend
Edit `~/bin/jabbersend` and fill `myJID` and `myPassword`
# settings
myJID = 'user@example.com'
myPassword = 'securepassword'
Check if `$HOME/bin` is in your `$PATH`
echo $PATH | grep $HOME/bin
If isn't the case, add it according to your shell. Example for Bash:
PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin; export PATH
## Usage
The script will send a jabber message to the specified JID by the `-t` option.
The subject can be specified using the `-s` option, and the body can be
specified using the `-b` option. If the body is omitted, it will be taken from
stdin on run.
Send a message
jabbersend -t dest@example.com -s "This is a test" -b "Hello, how are you?"
or by this way
echo "Today is a beautiful day!" | jabbersend -t dest@example.com -s "This is another test"
jabbersend -h