1.4 KiB
this is a looking glass for the Internet Routing Daemon "Bird"
software is splited onto two parts:
lg-proxy.py: It must be install and started on all bird node. It act as a proxy to make traceroute and bird query on the node Also the access restriction to this web service can be done is file "lg-proxy.cfg" (only ip based restriction for now)
lg.py: This is the frontend, a web based UI that request information to all lg-proxy.py nodes The domain and the list of all bird node can be done
*************** +--> * lg-proxy.py * | *************** |
******** ******************* | ***************
- USER * ----> * webserver/lg.py *--+--> * lg-proxy.py *
******** ******************* | ***************
| *************** +--> * lg-proxy.py * ***************
bird-lg depend on :
- python-flask >= 0.8
- python-dnspython
Each service can by embeded in any webserver by follow regular python-flask configuration
Only tested with bird 1.2.5
source code under GPL 3.0, powered by Flask, jQuery and Bootstrap
Copyright (c) 2012 Mehdi Abaakouk sileht@sileht.net