print_config_title 'CHECK PORTAGE CONFIG' conf_file_to_test="/etc/portage/make.conf" # Check if conf file exist if [[ ! -f "${conf_file_to_test}" ]] then echo -e "${RED}ERROR : file ${conf_file_to_test} NOT FOUND.${NC}\n" PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED=${PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED}" Error, file ${conf_file_to_test} not found;" else # Check if make.conf includes FEATURES="getbinpkg" echo "Check if ${conf_file_to_test} includes FEATURES=\"getbinpkg\"" grep -q "^[[:space:]]*FEATURES=\"getbinpkg\"[[:space:]]*$" ${conf_file_to_test} # Return Code RC=$? # Portage conf does NOT include getbinpkg FEATURE if [ $RC -ne 0 ] then PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="${PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED} Portage binpkg feature not configured, add FEATURES=\"getbinpkg\" in ${conf_file_to_test} ;" echo -e "${RED}Portage getbinpkg feature is NOT CONFIGURED in ${conf_file_to_test} : check KO${NC}\n" # Portage conf includes getbinpkg FEATURE else # If there are multiple definitions of FEATURE variable, KO FEATURE_DEFINITION_NUMBER="$(grep \"^[[:space:]]*FEATURES\" ${conf_file_to_test} | wc -l)" if [ "${FEATURE_DEFINITION_NUMBER}" -gt "1" ] then PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="${PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED} Multiple definitions of FEATURE variable in ${conf_file_to_test}, define the variable FEATURE only once in ${conf_file_to_test} ;" echo -e "${RED}Multiple definitions of FEATURE variable in ${conf_file_to_test} : check KO${NC}\n" # Else it's OK else echo -e "${GREEN}Portage getbinpkg feature CONFIGURED in ${conf_file_to_test} : check OK${NC}\n" fi fi # Check if make.conf includes well configured PORTAGE_BINHOST echo "Check if ${conf_file_to_test} includes well configured PORTAGE_BINHOST" grep -q "^[[:space:]]*PORTAGE_BINHOST=\"${BINPKGREPO}\"[[:space:]]*$" ${conf_file_to_test} # Return Code RC=$? # Portage PORTAGE_BINHOST NOT well CONFIGURED if [ $RC -ne 0 ] then PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="${PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED} Portage PORTAGE_BINHOST not configured, add PORTAGE_BINHOST=\"${BINPKGREPO}\" in ${conf_file_to_test} ;" echo -e "${RED}Portage PORTAGE_BINHOST is NOT well CONFIGURED in ${conf_file_to_test} : check KO${NC}\n" # Portage PORTAGE_BINHOST well CONFIGURED else # If there are multiple definitions of PORTAGE_BINHOST variable, KO PORTAGE_BINHOST_DEFINITION_NUMBER="$(grep "^[[:space:]]*PORTAGE_BINHOST" ${conf_file_to_test} | wc -l)" if [ "${PORTAGE_BINHOST_DEFINITION_NUMBER}" -gt "1" ] then PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="${PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED} Multiple definitions of PORTAGE_BINHOST variable in ${conf_file_to_test}, define the variable PORTAGE_BINHOST only once in ${conf_file_to_test} ;" echo -e "${RED}Multiple definitions of PORTAGE_BINHOST variable in ${conf_file_to_test} : check KO${NC}\n" # Else it's OK else echo -e "${GREEN}Portage PORTAGE_BINHOST variable well CONFIGURED in ${conf_file_to_test} : check OK${NC}\n" fi fi # Check if make.conf includes well configured ACCEPT_LICENSE echo "Check if ${conf_file_to_test} includes well configured ACCEPT_LICENSE" grep -q "^[[:space:]]*ACCEPT_LICENSE=\"${PORTAGE_ACCEPTLICENSE}\"[[:space:]]*$" ${conf_file_to_test} # Return Code RC=$? # Portage ACCEPT_LICENSE NOT well CONFIGURED if [ $RC -ne 0 ] then PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="${PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED} Portage ACCEPT_LICENSE not configured, add ACCEPT_LICENSE=\"$(echo ${PORTAGE_ACCEPTLICENSE} | tr -d '\\')\" in ${conf_file_to_test} ;" echo -e "${RED}Portage ACCEPT_LICENSE feature is NOT well CONFIGURED in ${conf_file_to_test} : check KO${NC}\n" # Portage ACCEPT_LICENSE well CONFIGURED else # If there are multiple definitions of ACCEPT_LICENSE variable, KO ACCEPT_LICENSE_DEFINITION_NUMBER="$(grep "^[[:space:]]*ACCEPT_LICENSE" ${conf_file_to_test} | wc -l)" if [ "${ACCEPT_LICENSE_DEFINITION_NUMBER}" -gt "1" ] then PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="${PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED} Multiple definitions of ACCEPT_LICENSE variable in ${conf_file_to_test}, define the variable ACCEPT_LICENSE only once in ${conf_file_to_test} ;" echo -e "${RED}Multiple definitions of ACCEPT_LICENSE variable in ${conf_file_to_test} : check KO${NC}\n" # Else it's OK else echo -e "${GREEN}Portage ACCEPT_LICENSE variable well CONFIGURED in ${conf_file_to_test} : check OK${NC}\n" fi fi # Check if global USE flags is well configured in ${conf_file_to_test} echo "Check if global USE flags is well configured in ${conf_file_to_test}" # Check if USE variable has multiple definiton USE_DEFINITION_NUMBER="$(grep "^[[:space:]]*USE" ${conf_file_to_test} | wc -l)" # If there is only one definition, it's OK if [ "${USE_DEFINITION_NUMBER}" -eq "1" ] then # Get actual global USE flags in ${conf_file_to_test} and format to compare ACTUAL_PORTAGE_USE="$(sed -n '/^[[:space:]]*USE=\"/,/\"/p' ${conf_file_to_test} | tr -d '\n' | cut -d'"' -f2 | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sort | tr '\n' ' ' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')" PORTAGE_USE_SORTED="$(echo ${PORTAGE_USE} | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sort | tr '\n' ' ' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')" # Global USE flags in ${conf_file_to_test} is well configured if [ "$ACTUAL_PORTAGE_USE" == "$PORTAGE_USE_SORTED" ] then echo -e "${GREEN}Global USE flags in ${conf_file_to_test} is well configured : check OK${NC}\n" # Global USE flags in ${conf_file_to_test} is NOT well configured else PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="${PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED} Global USE flags in ${conf_file_to_test} is NOT well CONFIGURED, set USE=\"${PORTAGE_USE_SORTED}\" in ${conf_file_to_test} ;" echo -e "${RED}Global USE flags in ${conf_file_to_test} is NOT well CONFIGURED : check KO${NC}\n" fi else PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="${PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED} Global USE flags in ${conf_file_to_test} has multiple definitions OR there is NO USE variable, define USE variable and only once in ${conf_file_to_test} ;" echo -e "${RED}Global USE flags in ${conf_file_to_test} has multiple definitions OR USE variable is not defined : check KO${NC}\n" fi # Check if make.conf includes well configured CHOST echo "Check if ${conf_file_to_test} includes well configured CHOST" grep -q "^[[:space:]]*CHOST=\"${PORTAGE_CHOST}\"[[:space:]]*$" ${conf_file_to_test} # Return Code RC=$? # Portage CHOST NOT well CONFIGURED if [ $RC -ne 0 ] then PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="${PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED} Portage CHOST not configured, add CHOST=\"${PORTAGE_CHOST}\" in ${conf_file_to_test} ;" echo -e "${RED}Portage CHOST feature is NOT well CONFIGURED in ${conf_file_to_test} : check KO${NC}\n" # Portage CHOST well CONFIGURED else # If there are multiple definitions of CHOST variable, KO CHOST_DEFINITION_NUMBER="$(grep "^[[:space:]]*CHOST" ${conf_file_to_test} | wc -l)" if [ "${CHOST_DEFINITION_NUMBER}" -gt "1" ] then PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="${PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED} Multiple definitions of CHOST variable in ${conf_file_to_test}, define the variable CHOST only once in ${conf_file_to_test} ;" echo -e "${RED}Multiple definitions of CHOST variable in ${conf_file_to_test} : check KO${NC}\n" # Else it's OK else echo -e "${GREEN}Portage CHOST variable well CONFIGURED in ${conf_file_to_test} : check OK${NC}\n" fi fi # Check if make.conf includes well configured GRUB_PLATFORMS echo "Check if ${conf_file_to_test} includes well configured GRUB_PLATFORMS" grep -q "^[[:space:]]*GRUB_PLATFORMS=\"${PORTAGE_GRUB_PLATFORMS}\"[[:space:]]*$" ${conf_file_to_test} # Return Code RC=$? # Portage GRUB_PLATFORMS NOT well CONFIGURED if [ $RC -ne 0 ] then PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="${PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED} Portage CHOST not configured, add GRUB_PLATFORMS=\"${PORTAGE_GRUB_PLATFORMS}\" in ${conf_file_to_test} ;" echo -e "${RED}Portage GRUB_PLATFORMS feature is NOT well CONFIGURED in ${conf_file_to_test} : check KO${NC}\n" # Portage GRUB_PLATFORMS well CONFIGURED else # If there are multiple definitions of CHOST variable, KO GRUB_PLATFORMS_DEFINITION_NUMBER="$(grep "^[[:space:]]*GRUB_PLATFORMS" ${conf_file_to_test} | wc -l)" if [ "${GRUB_PLATFORMS_DEFINITION_NUMBER}" -gt "1" ] then PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="${PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED} Multiple definitions of GRUB_PLATFORMS variable in ${conf_file_to_test}, define the variable GRUB_PLATFORMS only once in ${conf_file_to_test} ;" echo -e "${RED}Multiple definitions of GRUB_PLATFORMS variable in ${conf_file_to_test} : check KO${NC}\n" # Else it's OK else echo -e "${GREEN}Portage GRUB_PLATFORMS variable well CONFIGURED in ${conf_file_to_test} : check OK${NC}\n" fi fi # Check if portage organization mirror is configured in ${conf_file_to_test} echo "Check if portage oragnization mirror is configured in ${conf_file_to_test}" # Check if GENTOO_MIRRORS variable has multiple definiton GENTOO_MIRRORS_DEFINITION_NUMBER="$(grep "^[[:space:]]*GENTOO_MIRRORS" ${conf_file_to_test} | wc -l)" # If there is only one definition, it's OK if [ "${GENTOO_MIRRORS_DEFINITION_NUMBER}" -eq "1" ] then # Check if GENTOO_MIRRORS value in ${conf_file_to_test} includes organization mirror sed -n '/^[[:space:]]*GENTOO_MIRRORS=\"/,/\"/p' ${conf_file_to_test} | grep -q "${PORTAGE_ORGANIZATION_MIRROR}" # Return Code RC=$? # GENTOO_MIRRORS in ${conf_file_to_test} includes organization mirror if [ $RC -eq 0 ] then echo -e "${GREEN}GENTOO_MIRRORS in ${conf_file_to_test} includes organization mirror : check OK${NC}\n" # GENTOO_MIRRORS in ${conf_file_to_test} does NOT includes organization mirror else PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="${PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED} GENTOO_MIRRORS in ${conf_file_to_test} does NOT includes organization mirror, add ${PORTAGE_ORGANIZATION_MIRROR} mirror in GENTOO_MIRRORS variable in ${conf_file_to_test} ;" echo -e "${RED}GENTOO_MIRRORS in ${conf_file_to_test} does NOT includes organization mirror : check KO${NC}\n" fi else PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="${PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED} GENTOO_MIRRORS in ${conf_file_to_test} has multiple definitions OR there is NO GENTOO_MIRRORS variable, define GENTOO_MIRRORS variable and only once in ${conf_file_to_test} ;" echo -e "${RED}GENTOO_MIRRORS in ${conf_file_to_test} has multiple definitions OR GENTOO_MIRRORS variable is not defined : check KO${NC}\n" fi # Check if global CPU_FLAGS_X86 flags is well configured in ${conf_file_to_test} echo "Check if global CPU_FLAGS_X86 flags is well configured in ${conf_file_to_test}" # Check if CPU_FLAGS_X86 variable has multiple definiton CPU_FLAGS_X86_DEFINITION_NUMBER="$(grep "^[[:space:]]*CPU_FLAGS_X86" ${conf_file_to_test} | wc -l)" # If there is only one definition, it's OK if [ "${CPU_FLAGS_X86_DEFINITION_NUMBER}" -eq "1" ] then # Get actual global CPU_FLAGS_X86 flags in ${conf_file_to_test} and format to compare ACTUAL_PORTAGE_CPU_FLAGS_X86="$(sed -n '/^[[:space:]]*CPU_FLAGS_X86=\"/,/\"/p' ${conf_file_to_test} | tr -d '\n' | cut -d'"' -f2 | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sort | tr '\n' ' ' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')" PORTAGE_CPU_FLAGS_X86_SORTED="$(echo ${PORTAGE_CPU_FLAGS_X86} | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sort | tr '\n' ' ' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')" # Global CPU_FLAGS_X86 flags in ${conf_file_to_test} is well configured if [ "$ACTUAL_PORTAGE_CPU_FLAGS_X86" == "$PORTAGE_CPU_FLAGS_X86_SORTED" ] then echo -e "${GREEN}Global CPU_FLAGS_X86 flags in ${conf_file_to_test} is well configured : check OK${NC}\n" # Global CPU_FLAGS_X86 flags in ${conf_file_to_test} is NOT well configured else PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="${PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED} Global CPU_FLAGS_X86 flags in ${conf_file_to_test} is NOT well CONFIGURED, set CPU_FLAGS_X86=\"${PORTAGE_CPU_FLAGS_X86_SORTED}\" in ${conf_file_to_test} ;" echo -e "${RED}Global CPU_FLAGS_X86 flags in ${conf_file_to_test} is NOT well CONFIGURED : check KO${NC}\n" fi else PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="${PORTAGE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED} Global CPU_FLAGS_X86 flags in ${conf_file_to_test} has multiple definitions OR there is NO CPU_FLAGS_X86 variable, define CPU_FLAGS_X86 variable and only once in ${conf_file_to_test} ;" echo -e "${RED}Global CPU_FLAGS_X86 flags in ${conf_file_to_test} has multiple definitions OR CPU_FLAGS_X86 variable is not defined : check KO${NC}\n" fi fi