#!/bin/bash # Recipe script for a Gentoo system to check basic configuration # Define colors RED='\033[1;31m' BLUE='\033[1;34m' GREEN='\033[1;32m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color REQUIREMENTS="GREP ECHO EMERGE NSLOOKUP IP HOSTNAME AWK SED CUT TR PING" . vars.sh # Check requirements for requirement in $REQUIREMENTS do # Check if requirement tool exit on the system which $(eval echo "\$${requirement}") &>/dev/null # Return Code RC=$? if [ ${RC} -ne 0 ] then echo "ERROR : ${requirement} ($(eval echo "\$${requirement}")) is required to use this script. Requirements are : ${REQUIREMENTS}." exit 1 fi done # Be sure only root can run the script if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "ERROR : This script must be run as root" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Print packages not installed or with error at end script PACKAGES_TO_CHECK="" RESOLV_FAILED="" RESOLVER_NOT_IN_ETC_RESOLVCONF="" IP_NOT_RECORDED_IN_DNS="" PING_FAILED="" # Get ALL locales IPs except loopback LOCALES_IP_WITHOUT_LOOPBACK=$(ip addr show scope global | awk '/inet/ { sub(/\/.*$/, "", $2); print $2 }') BOOL_ADMIN_IPV4_NOT_CONFIGURED=0 BOOL_ADMIN_IPV6_NOT_CONFIGURED=0 # Print services not started or with error at end script SERVICES_NOT_STARTED_OR_ERROR="" # Print message at end script if hostname *.grif or *.grifon.fr not configured BOOL_CHECK_HOSTNAME=0 SSH_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="" NRPE_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="" MUNIN_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="" MAIL_ALIAS_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED="" usage() { printf "Usage: ./recipe_gentoo.sh [--physical]\n" printf "option : \t-P, --physical : if the current server is not a VM but a physical machine\n" printf "option : \t-h, --help print this current message\n" } # Check parameters if [ $1 ]; then if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then echo "ERROR : to much parameters (one MAX)" usage exit 0 # Print help elif [ $1 = '-h' ] || [ $1 = '--help' ]; then usage exit 0 # Set boolean physical elif [ $1 = '-P' ] || [ $1 = '--physical' ];then PACKAGES+=(${PACKAGES_PHYSICAL[@]}) SERVICES_TO_CHECK+=(${SERVICES_TO_CHECK_PHYSICAL[@]}) # If unknown parameter else echo "ERROR : unknown parameter" usage exit 0 fi fi echo "-------------------------------------------------" echo -e "------- ${BLUE}RECIPE GENTOO - CHECK BASIC CONFIG${NC} ------" echo -e "-------------------------------------------------\n" # Voir pour mettre ./ à la place de . . recipes/recipe_check_packages.sh . recipes/recipe_check_hostname.sh . recipes/recipe_check_dns_config.sh . recipes/recipe_check_ping.sh . recipes/recipe_check_ip_admin.sh . recipes/recipe_check_services.sh . recipes/recipe_check_ssh_config.sh . recipes/recipe_check_nrpe_config.sh . recipes/recipe_check_munin_config.sh . recipes/recipe_check_mail_alias_config.sh . recipes/recipe_final_summary.sh exit 0