POSTFIX_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED=${POSTFIX_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED}" Error during mail_owner check with function check_value_in_conf_file, maybe incorrect number of parameter or file not found;"
2)# Unexpected value is set
POSTFIX_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED=${POSTFIX_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED}" mail_owner is not well configured or has other value, set 'mail_owner = postfix';"
3)# All expected values are NOT configured
POSTFIX_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED=${POSTFIX_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED}" mail_owner is not well configured, set 'mail_owner = postfix';"
*)# Unknown return code...
POSTFIX_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED=${POSTFIX_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED}" Error, unknown return code when calling check_value_in_conf_file to check mail_owner;"
POSTFIX_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED=${POSTFIX_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED}" Error during inet_protocols check with function check_value_in_conf_file, maybe incorrect number of parameter or file not found;"
2)# Unexpected value is set
POSTFIX_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED=${POSTFIX_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED}" inet_protocols are not well configured or has other value, set 'inet_protocols = all';"
3)# All expected values are NOT configured
POSTFIX_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED=${POSTFIX_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED}" inet_protocols are not well configured, set 'inet_protocols = all';"
*)# Unknown return code...
POSTFIX_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED=${POSTFIX_CONFIG_CHECK_FAILED}" Error, unknown return code when calling check_value_in_conf_file to check inet_protocols;"