# ansible-base ## Introduction This document describes how to use ansible-base to deploy basic infrastructures. The main parts of this document are: * Ansible "server" (or local machine) preparation * Nodes preparation * Deployment ## Ansible "server" (or local machine) preparation Update and install Ansible and GIT on your system. Clone this repo (ssh pubkey needs to be authorized for this repo) and go into the cloned directory: ```bash git clone https://git.grifon.fr/nemo/ansible-base.git cd ansible-core ``` Download roles dependecies (currenty not used): ```ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p ./roles/``` Copy the template inventory folder and edit all subfiles to add your node(s) and other informations: ```bash cp -R inventory_template inventory_yourInventoryName ``` > Note: you can create a dedicated private GIT repository to manage your inventory. The main inventory file is: `inventory_yourInventoryName/inventory.yml` Example with template values: ```bash all: vars: ansible_user: ansible ansible_become: yes ansible_python_interpreter: auto_silent children: function: children: backup_server: hosts: mySecondGentooHost.example.org: munin_server: hosts: myFirstGentooHost.example.org: ... ... os: children: os_gentoo: hosts: myFirstGentooHost.example.org: mySecondGentooHost.anotherexample.org: ... os_debian: hosts: myFirstDebianHost.example.org: mySecondDebianHost.anotherexample.org: ... os_centos: hosts: myFirstCentOSHost.example.org: mySecondCentOSHost.anotherexample.org: ... ... ``` > Note: the node's name needs to be reachable, you can use IP address or FQDN (recommended). Create a vault file for all nodes using the vault template file and define all values: ```bash cp inventory_yourInventoryName/group_vars/all/vault.yml.template inventory_yourInventoryName/group_vars/all/vault.yml vim inventory_yourInventoryName/group_vars/all/vault.yml ``` Encrypt the vault file and check if edit function works. A prompt will ask you a password: ```bash ansible-vault encrypt inventory_yourInventoryName/group_vars/all/vault.yml ansible-vault edit inventory_yourInventoryName/group_vars/all/vault.yml ``` > Note: if you version your code, don't forget to exclude this vault file of versionning (with .`gitignore file` if you are using GIT). According to your needs, you can edit all variables in `inventory_yourInventoryName` directory and subdirectories. You can also define host-specific variables (reboot/upgrade enable/disabe, cron hours, specific config, ...) in the `inventory_yourInventoryName/host_vars` directory (host.example.org is an example). Don't forget to update .gitignore if you don't want to publish some host vars. ## Nodes preparation On the node, with the root account (or sudo): * Install SSH, sudo and gentoolkit (if Gentoo) OR python-apt (if Debian) OR python-yum (if CentOS) ... * Configure, enable and start SSH service. * Configure the ansible user : ```bash # Create an ansible user useradd -m -s /bin/bash ansible # Add sudoers rights to ansible user echo "ansible ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL " > /etc/sudoers.d/ansible # Check the sudo configuration su - ansible sudo -i # If OK, you're root here exit exit # Add SSH public key of the account used on the Ansible server (or local machine) to the ansible user on the remote node to deploy su - ansible mkdir -p .ssh vi .ssh/authorized_keys # Here add pubkey ``` > Note: this procedure can vary slightly if you're not using a Debian or CentOS node. On the Ansible server (or local machine), check the SSH connection: ```bash ssh ansible@ exit ``` ## Deployment From the Ansible server (or your local machine), you can deploy specific playbooks using the following command: ```bash ansible-playbook -i inventory_yourInventoryName/inventory.yml --ask-vault-pass ``` > Notes: > > * `--diff` option can be added to see the difference applied. > * `--check` option can be added to test the deployment without really do any action on the remote node (in some cases it fails even if the deployment will go well). > * `--limit` option can be added to select host to configure (ex: `--limit os_gentoo`) Playbook deployment: * `playbook_general_deploy.yml` * `playbook_backup_server_deploy.yml` * `playbook_munin_server_deploy.yml` ### playbook_general_deploy.yml This playbook deploys general configuration: tools (useful packages), auto reboot, auto upgrade, sudo users, NTP client, iptables config and DNS resolvers. ### playbook_backup_server_deploy.yml This playbook deploys a backup server with dedicated user to save GIT repositories to backup (use Ansible vars to list them). In a future, it will also configure users for each server to backup. ### playbook_munin_server_deploy.yml This playbook deploys a Munin server using async to get information from "clients". He integrates HTTPS configuration and configuration generation with Ansible vars. The clients need to have beend deployed with the `playbook_general_deploy.yml` playbook (whichh includes munin-async role).