--- - name: check if key and cert already present in ldap configuration folder stat: path: "{{ openldap_confdir }}/sasl2/privkey.pem" register: privkey_exist - name: if key and cert not already present, copy them shell: "cp -pf /etc/letsencrypt/live/l01.wirebrass.fr/*.pem {{ openldap_confdir }}/sasl2/" when: not privkey_exist.stat.exists - name: if key and cert not already present, fix permissions shell: "chown openldap: {{ openldap_confdir }}/sasl2/*.pem" when: not privkey_exist.stat.exists - name: link to ca-certificates created file: src: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt dest: "{{ openldap_confdir }}/sasl2/ca-certificates.crt" state: link - name: OpenLDAP DH Parameters generated openssl_dhparam: path: "{{ openldap_confdir }}/sasl2/slapd.dh.params" size: 2048 owner: openldap group: openldap mode: 0600