# ToDoList (not exhaustive) * Complete iptables role for routers (FORWARD, NAT, ...). * Complete sysctl customizations role for routers (forward) and RA. * Create Icinga2 server (conf hosts) and clients roles. * Add a pre-task which can install python-apt, gentoolkit or python-yum if not installed (with shell module). * Add roles for different function: * **DNS authority** * **DNS resolvers** * **OpenVPN server** * **Wireguard server (or tinc ?)** * **BGP router** * **LDAP server** * **DOH server** * **Weechat + IRC Relay** * Build server (Gentoo builds) ## More... * Role munin-async: add possibility to deploy multiple SSH keys (if multiple Munin server). * Role munin-node: add some plugins / custom configurations for more details. * Role icinga2_server: add hosts.conf and hosts files via ansible (and not manually)