374 lines
12 KiB
374 lines
12 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2009 by xt <xt@bash.no>
# Borrowed parts from pagetitle.py by xororand
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# If someone posts an URL in a configured channel
# this script will post back title
# Explanation about ignores:
# * plugins.var.python.announce_url_title.ignore_buffers:
# Comma separated list of patterns for define ignores.
# URLs from channels where its name matches any of these patterns will be ignored.
# Wildcards '*', '?' and char groups [..] can be used.
# An ignore exception can be added by prefixing '!' in the pattern.
# Example:
# *ubuntu*,!#ubuntu-offtopic
# any urls from a 'ubuntu' channel will be ignored,
# except from #ubuntu-offtopic
# * plugins.var.python.announce_url_title.url_ignore
# simply does partial match, so specifying 'google' will ignore every url with the word google in it
# History:
# 2014-05-10, Sébastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>
# version 18: change hook_print callback argument type of displayed/highlight
# (WeeChat >= 1.0)
# 2013-11-07, excalibr
# version 17: add more characters to exclude in escaping (this fix problem with youtube urls)
# 2012-11-15, xt
# version 16: improve escaping
# 2011-09-04, Deltafire
# version 15: fix remote execution exploit due to unescaped ' character in urls;
# small bug fix for version 14 changes
# 2011-08-23, Deltafire
# version 14: ignore filtered lines
# 2011-03-11, Sébastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>
# version 13: get python 2.x binary for hook_process (fix problem when python 3.x is default python version)
# 2010-12-10, xt
# version 12: add better ignores (code based on m4v inotify.py)
# 2010-11-02, xt
# version 11: add prefix
# 2010-11-01, xt
# version 10: add ignored buffers feature
# 2010-10-29, add ignore buffers feature
# version 0.9: WeeChat user-agent option
# 2010-10-11, xt
# version 0.8: support multiple concurrent url lookups
# 2010-10-11, xt
# version 0.7: do not trigger on notices
# 2010-08-25, xt
# version 0.6: notice some buffers instead of msg
# 2009-12-08, Chaz6
# version 0.5: only announce for specified channels
# 2009-12-08, Chaz6 <chaz@chaz6.com>
# version 0.4: add global option
# 2009-12-08, xt
# version 0.3: option for public announcing or not
# 2009-12-07, xt <xt@bash.no>
# version 0.2: don't renannounce same urls for a time
# add optional prefix and suffix
# 2009-12-02, xt
# version 0.1: initial
import weechat
w = weechat
import re
import html.parser
from time import time as now
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import urllib.request
SCRIPT_NAME = "announce_url_title"
SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "xt <xt@bash.no>"
SCRIPT_DESC = "Announce URL titles to channel or locally"
settings = {
"buffers" : 'freenode.#testing,', # comma separated list of buffers
"buffers_notice" : 'freenode.#testing,', # comma separated list of buffers
'ignore_buffers' : 'grep,', # comma separated list of buffers to be ignored by this module
'title_max_length': '80',
'url_ignore' : '', # comma separated list of strings in url to ignore
'reannounce_wait': '5', # 5 minutes delay
'prefix': '',
'suffix': '',
'announce_public': 'off', # print it or msg the buffer
'global': 'off', # whether to enable for all buffers
'user_agent': 'WeeChat/%(version)s (http://www.weechat.org)', # user-agent format string
'global_prefix':'url', # Prefix for when not public announcement
octet = r'(?:2(?:[0-4]\d|5[0-5])|1\d\d|\d{1,2})'
ipAddr = r'%s(?:\,.%s){3}' % (octet, octet)
# Base domain regex off RFC 1034 and 1738
label = r'[0-9a-z][-0-9a-z]*[0-9a-z]?'
domain = r'%s(?:\.%s)*\.[a-z][-0-9a-z]*[a-z]?' % (label, label)
urlRe = re.compile(r'(\w+://(?:%s|%s)(?::\d+)?(?:/[^\])>\s]*)?)' % (domain, ipAddr), re.I)
buffer_name = ''
urls = {}
script_nick = 'url'
def error_callback(*_, **__):
def is_string(data):
return isinstance(data, str)
def is_bytes(data):
return isinstance(data, bytes)
def to_ascii(data):
if is_string(data):
data = data.encode('ascii', errors='ignore')
elif is_bytes(data):
data = data.decode('ascii', errors='ignore')
data = str(data).encode('ascii', errors='ignore')
return data
class Parser(html.parser.HTMLParser):
def __init__(self, url):
self.title = None
self.rec = False
except urllib.error.HTTPError:
except urllib.error.URLError:
except ValueError:
self.rec = False
self.error = error_callback
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if tag == 'title':
self.rec = True
def handle_data(self, data):
if self.rec:
self.title = data
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
if tag == 'title':
self.rec = False
def get_title(url):
if Parser(url).title:
return Parser(url).title
return "URL doesn’t have a title"
def say(s, buffer=''):
"""normal msg"""
weechat.prnt(buffer, '%s\t%s' %(script_nick, s))
def unescape(s):
"""Unescape HTML entities"""
p = html.parser.HTMLParser(None)
return p.save_end()
def url_print_cb(data, buffer, time, tags, displayed, highlight, prefix, message):
global buffer_name, urls, ignore_buffers
# Do not trigger on filtered lines and notices
if not int(displayed) or prefix == '--':
return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
msg_buffer_name = w.buffer_get_string(buffer, "name")
# Skip ignored buffers
#if msg_buffer_name in w.config_get_plugin('ignore_buffers').split(','):
# return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
if msg_buffer_name in ignore_buffers:
return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
found = False
notice = False
if w.config_get_plugin('global') == 'on':
found = True
buffer_name = msg_buffer_name
for active_buffer in w.config_get_plugin('buffers').split(','):
if active_buffer.lower() == msg_buffer_name.lower():
found = True
buffer_name = msg_buffer_name
for active_buffer in w.config_get_plugin('buffers_notice').split(','):
if active_buffer.lower() == msg_buffer_name.lower():
found = True
buffer_name = msg_buffer_name
if not found:
return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
ignorelist = w.config_get_plugin('url_ignore').split(',')
for url in urlRe.findall(message):
url = urllib.parse.quote(url, "%/:=&?~#+!$,;@()*[]") # Escape URL
ignore = False
for ignore_part in ignorelist:
if ignore_part.strip():
if ignore_part in url:
ignore = True
w.prnt('', '%s: Found %s in URL: %s, ignoring.' %(SCRIPT_NAME, ignore_part, url))
if ignore:
if url in urls:
urls[url] = {}
return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def url_process_launcher():
''' Iterate found urls, fetch title if hasn't been launched '''
global urls
user_agent = w.config_get_plugin('user_agent') % {'version': w.info_get("version", "")}
for url, url_d in urls.items():
if not url_d: # empty dict means not launched
url_d['launched'] = now()
url_d['title'] = get_title(url)
url_d['stdout'] = ''
url_d['url_hook_process'] = w.hook_process(url, 30 * 1000, "title_process_cb", "")
return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def title_process_cb(data, url, rc, stdout, stderr):
""" Callback parsing html for title """
global buffer_name, urls
url_d = urls[url]
title = url_d['title']
max_len = int(w.config_get_plugin('title_max_length'))
if len(title) > max_len:
title = "%s [...]" % title[0:max_len]
splits = buffer_name.split('.') #FIXME bad code
server = splits[0]
buffer = '.'.join(splits[1:])
output = w.config_get_plugin('prefix') + title + w.config_get_plugin('suffix')
announce_public = w.config_get_plugin('announce_public')
if announce_public == 'on':
found = False
for active_buffer in w.config_get_plugin('buffers').split(','):
if active_buffer.lower() == buffer_name.lower():
w.command('', '/msg -server %s %s %s' %(server, buffer, output))
found = True
for active_buffer in w.config_get_plugin('buffers_notice').split(','):
if active_buffer.lower() == buffer_name.lower():
w.command('', '/notice -server %s %s %s' %(server, buffer, output))
found = True
if found == False:
say(output,w.buffer_search('', buffer_name))
say(output,w.buffer_search('', buffer_name))
urls[url]['stdout'] = ''
return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def purge_cb(*args):
''' Purge the url list on configured intervals '''
global urls
t_now = now()
for url, url_d in urls.copy().items():
if (t_now - url_d['launched']) > \
del urls[url]
return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
class Ignores(object):
def __init__(self, ignore_type):
self.ignore_type = ignore_type
self.ignores = []
self.exceptions = []
def _get_ignores(self):
assert self.ignore_type is not None
ignores = weechat.config_get_plugin(self.ignore_type).split(',')
ignores = [ s.lower() for s in ignores if s ]
self.ignores = [ s for s in ignores if s[0] != '!' ]
self.exceptions = [ s[1:] for s in ignores if s[0] == '!' ]
def __contains__(self, s):
s = s.lower()
for p in self.ignores:
if fnmatch(s, p):
for e in self.exceptions:
if fnmatch(s, e):
return False
return True
return False
def ignore_update(*args):
return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
if __name__ == "__main__":
SCRIPT_DESC, "", ""):
# Set default settings
for option, default_value in settings.items():
if not w.config_is_set_plugin(option):
w.config_set_plugin(option, default_value)
ignore_buffers = Ignores('ignore_buffers')
w.hook_print("", "", "://", 1, "url_print_cb", "")
int(w.config_get_plugin('reannounce_wait')) * 1000 * 60,
weechat.hook_config('plugins.var.python.%s.ignore_buffers' %SCRIPT_NAME, 'ignore_update', '')
color_chat_delimiters = weechat.color('chat_delimiters')
color_chat_nick = weechat.color('chat_nick')
color_reset = weechat.color('reset')
color_chat_buffer = weechat.color('chat_buffer')
# pretty printing
script_nick = '%s[%s%s%s]%s' %(color_chat_delimiters,