BIRD-LG ======= This is a looking glass for the Internet Routing Daemon "Bird". Software is split in two parts: - It must be installed and started on all bird nodes. It act as a proxy to make traceroute and bird query on the node. Access restriction to this web service can be done in file "lg-proxy.cfg" (only IP address based restriction for now). - This is the frontend, a web based UI that request informations to all nodes. The domain and the list of all bird nodes can be done. ``` *************** +--> * * | *************** | ******** ******************* | *************** * USER * ----> * webserver/ *--+--> * * ******** ******************* | *************** | | *************** +--> * * *************** ``` bird-lg depends on : - python-flask >= 0.8 - python-dnspython - python-pydot Each services can be embedded in any webserver by following regular python-flask configuration. Only tested with bird 1.2.5. Source code is under GPL 3.0, powered by Flask, jQuery and Bootstrap. Copyright © 2012 Mehdi Abaakouk