WEBSITE_TITLE="Bird-LG / Looking Glass" DEBUG = False LOG_FILE="/var/log/lg.log" LOG_LEVEL="WARNING" # Keep log history indefinitely by default. LOG_NUM_DAYS=0 # Used to optionally restrict access to lgproxy based on a shared secret. SHARED_SECRET="ThisTokenIsNotSecret" BIND_IP = "" BIND_PORT = 5000 # List of hosts to query (each one is a lgproxy instances) HOSTS = { "r1": { # Endpoint at which lgproxy can be queried "endpoint": "", # ASN and Router IP are optional, they are used to make the bgpmap more pretty "asn": "65551", "routerip": ["", "", "2001:db8:42:cafe::175"], }, "r2": { # Using a plain IP address as endpoint is possible "endpoint": "", # It is fine to provide no "routerip" or "asn" field }, "r3": { # IPv6 litterals are supported too "endpoint": "http://[2001:db8:ffff::42]:5000", "asn": "65551", }, "r4": { # Example with HTTPS "endpoint": "", "asn": "64498", }, } #WHOIS_SERVER = "" # DNS zone to query for ASN -> name mapping ASN_ZONE = "" # Change this to random data SESSION_KEY = '\xd77\xf9\xfa\xc2\xb5\xcd\x85)`+H\x9d\xeeW\\%\xbe/\xbaT\x89\xe8\xa7'