Improve bgpmap png

This commit is contained in:
Mehdi Abaakouk 2012-05-29 16:53:19 +02:00
parent 105d5f16ac
commit 4da3d5e02c
5 changed files with 426 additions and 239 deletions

View File

@ -6,4 +6,15 @@ PROXY = {
"h3": 5000,
# Used for bgpmap
"gw" : [ "", "2a01:6600:8000::175" ],
"h3" : [ "", "2a01:6600:8000::131" ]
"gw" : "197422",
"h3" : "197422"
SESSION_KEY = '\xd77\xf9\xfa\xc2\xb5\xcd\x85)`+H\x9d\xeeW\\%\xbe/\xbaT\x89\xe8\xa7'

View File

@ -34,8 +34,10 @@ from flask import Flask, render_template, jsonify, redirect, session, request, a
app = Flask(__name__)
def add_links(text):
"""Browser a string and replace ipv4, ipv6, as number, with a whois link """
"""Browser a string and replace ipv4, ipv6, as number, with a
whois link """
if type(text) in [str, unicode]:
text = text.split("\n")
@ -56,14 +58,6 @@ def add_links(text):
return "\n".join(ret_text)
def extract_paths(text):
paths = []
for line in text:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith("BGP.as_path:"):
paths.append(line.replace("BGP.as_path:", "").strip().split(" "))
return paths
def set_session(request_type, hosts, proto, request_args):
""" Store all data from user in the user session """
@ -77,7 +71,8 @@ def set_session(request_type, hosts, proto, request_args):
history = session.get("history", [])
# erase old format history
if type(history) != type(list()): history = []
if type(history) != type(list()):
history = []
t = (hosts, proto, request_type, request_args)
if t in history:
@ -85,13 +80,16 @@ def set_session(request_type, hosts, proto, request_args):
history.insert(0, t)
session["history"] = history[:20]
def whois_command(query):
return subprocess.Popen(['whois', query], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
def bird_command(host, proto, query):
"""Alias to bird_proxy for bird service"""
return bird_proxy(host, proto, "bird", query)
def bird_proxy(host, proto, service, query):
"""Retreive data of a service from a running lg-proxy on a remote node
@ -103,9 +101,13 @@ def bird_proxy(host, proto, service, query):
path = ""
if proto == "ipv6": path = service + "6"
elif proto == "ipv4": path = service
if proto == "ipv6":
path = service + "6"
elif proto == "ipv4":
path = service
port = app.config["PROXY"].get(host, "")
if not port or not path:
return False, "Host/Proto not allowed"
@ -119,6 +121,7 @@ def bird_proxy(host, proto, service, query):
status = False
return status, resultat
def inject_commands():
commands = [
@ -127,49 +130,64 @@ def inject_commands():
("detail", "show protocols ... all"),
("prefix", "show route for ..."),
("prefix_detail", "show route for ... all"),
("prefix_bgpmap", "show route for ... (bgpmap)"),
("where", "show route where net ~ [ ... ]"),
("where_detail", "show route where net ~ [ ... ] all"),
("where_bgpmap", "show route where net ~ [ ... ] (bgpmap)"),
("adv", "show route ..."),
("adv_bgpmap", "show route ... (bgpmap)"),
commands_dict = {}
for id, text in commands:
commands_dict[id] = text
return dict(commands=commands, commands_dict=commands_dict)
def inject_all_host():
return dict(all_hosts="+".join(app.config["PROXY"].keys()))
def hello():
return redirect("/summary/%s/ipv4" % "+".join(app.config["PROXY"].keys()))
def error_page(text):
return render_template('error.html', error=text), 500
def incorrect_request(e):
return render_template('error.html', warning="The server could not understand the request"), 400
def page_not_found(e):
return render_template('error.html', warning="The requested URL was not found on the server."), 404
def whois(query):
if not query.strip(): abort(400)
if not query.strip():
asnum = int(query)
query = "as%d" % asnum
m = re.match(r"[\w\d-]*\.(?P<domain>[\d\w-]+\.[\d\w-]+)$", query)
if m: query = query.groupdict()["domain"]
if m:
query = query.groupdict()["domain"]
output = whois_command(query).replace("\n", "<br>")
return jsonify(output=output, title=query)
SUMMARY_UNWANTED_PROTOS = ["Kernel", "Static", "Device"]
SUMMARY_RE_MATCH = r"(?P<name>[\w_]+)\s+(?P<proto>\w+)\s+(?P<table>\w+)\s+(?P<state>\w+)\s+(?P<since>((|\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s)(|\d\d:)\d\d:\d\d|\w\w\w\d\d))($|\s+(?P<info>.*))"
def summary(hosts, proto="ipv4"):
@ -181,7 +199,7 @@ def summary(hosts, proto="ipv4"):
for host in hosts.split("+"):
ret, res = bird_command(host, proto, command)
res = res.split("\n")
if len(res) > 1: #if ret:
if len(res) > 1:
data = []
for line in res[1:]:
line = line.strip()
@ -198,10 +216,12 @@ def summary(hosts, proto="ipv4"):
return render_template('summary.html', summary=summary, command=command, error="<br>".join(error))
def detail(hosts, proto):
name = request.args.get('q', '')
if not name.strip(): abort(400)
name = request.args.get('q', '').strip()
if not name:
set_session("detail", hosts, proto, name)
command = "show protocols all %s" % name
@ -211,25 +231,32 @@ def detail(hosts, proto):
for host in hosts.split("+"):
ret, res = bird_command(host, proto, command)
res = res.split("\n")
if len(res) > 1 : #if ret:
if len(res) > 1:
detail[host] = {"status": res[1], "description": add_links(res[2:])}
error.append("%s: bird command failed with error, %s" % (host, "\n".join(res)))
return render_template('detail.html', detail=detail, command=command, error="<br>".join(error))
def traceroute(hosts, proto):
q = request.args.get('q', '')
if not q.strip(): abort(400)
q = request.args.get('q', '').strip()
if not q:
set_session("traceroute", hosts, proto, q)
if proto == "ipv6" and not ipv6_is_valid(q):
try: q = resolve(q, "AAAA")
except: return error_page("%s is unresolvable or invalid for %s" % (q, proto))
q = resolve(q, "AAAA")
return error_page("%s is unresolvable or invalid for %s" % (q, proto))
if proto == "ipv4" and not ipv4_is_valid(q):
try: q = resolve(q, "A")
except: return error_page("%s is unresolvable or invalid for %s" % (q, proto))
q = resolve(q, "A")
return error_page("%s is unresolvable or invalid for %s" % (q, proto))
infos = {}
for host in hosts.split("+"):
@ -237,30 +264,61 @@ def traceroute(hosts, proto):
infos[host] = add_links(resultat)
return render_template('traceroute.html', infos=infos)
def show_route_filter(hosts, proto):
return show_route("adv", hosts, proto)
def show_route_filter_bgpmap(hosts, proto):
return show_route("adv_bgpmap", hosts, proto)
def show_route_where(hosts, proto):
return show_route("where", hosts, proto)
def show_route_where_detail(hosts, proto):
return show_route("where_detail", hosts, proto)
def show_route_where_bgpmap(hosts, proto):
return show_route("where_bgpmap", hosts, proto)
def show_route_for(hosts, proto):
return show_route("prefix", hosts, proto)
def show_route_for_detail(hosts, proto):
return show_route("prefix_detail", hosts, proto)
def show_route_for_bgpmap(hosts, proto):
return show_route("prefix_bgpmap", hosts, proto)
ASNAME_CACHE_FILE = "/tmp/asname_cache.pickle"
ASNAME_CACHE = load_cache_pickle(ASNAME_CACHE_FILE, {})
def get_as_name(_as):
if not ASNAME_CACHE.has_key(_as):
"""return a string that contain the as number following by the as name
It's the use whois database informations
# Warning, the server can be blacklisted from ripe is too many requests are done
if not _as.isdigit():
return _as
if _as not in ASNAME_CACHE:
whois_answer = whois_command("as%s" % _as)
as_name ='(as-name|ASName): (.*)', whois_answer)
if as_name:
@ -273,51 +331,144 @@ def get_as_name(_as):
return "AS%s\r%s" % (_as, ASNAME_CACHE[_as])
def show_bgpmap(data):
def show_bgpmap():
"""return a bgp map in a png file, from the json tree in q argument"""
data = request.args.get('q', '').strip()
if not data:
data = json.loads(unquote(data))
graph = pydot.Dot('BGPMAP', graph_type='digraph')
nodes = {}
edges = {}
def add_node(_as, **kwargs):
if _as not in nodes:
kwargs["label"] = kwargs.get("label", get_as_name(_as))
nodes[_as] = pydot.Node(_as, style="filled", fontsize="10", **kwargs)
return nodes[_as]
def add_edge(_previous_as, _as, **kwargs):
kwargs["splines"] = "true"
force = kwargs.get("force", False)
edge_tuple = (_previous_as, _as)
if force or edge_tuple not in edges:
edge = pydot.Edge(*edge_tuple, **kwargs)
edges[edge_tuple] = edge
return edges[edge_tuple]
for host, asmaps in data.iteritems():
nodes[host] = pydot.Node(host, shape="box", style="filled", fillcolor="#F5A9A9")
add_node(host, label= "%s\r%s" % (host.upper(), app.config["DOMAIN"].upper()), shape="box", fillcolor="#F5A9A9")
as_number = app.config["AS_NUMBER"].get(host, None)
if as_number:
node = add_node(as_number, fillcolor="#F5A9A9")
edge = add_edge(as_number, nodes[host])
colors = [ "#009e23", "#1a6ec1" , "#d05701", "#6f879f", "#939a0e", "#0e9a93" ]
color_index = 0
hosts = data.keys()
for host, asmaps in data.iteritems():
first = True
for asmap in asmaps:
previous_as = host
color_index = color_index + 1
for _as in asmap:
_as = get_as_name(_as)
if _as == previous_as:
if not nodes.has_key(_as):
nodes[_as] = pydot.Node(_as, label=_as, style="filled", fillcolor=(first and "#F5A9A9" or "white"))
edge_tuple = (nodes[previous_as], nodes[_as])
if not edges.has_key(edge_tuple):
edge = pydot.Edge(*edge_tuple)
edges[edge_tuple] = edge
add_node(_as, fillcolor=(first and "#F5A9A9" or "white"))
edge = add_edge(nodes[previous_as], nodes[_as] )
if edge.get_color() != "red" and first:
if first:
elif edge.get_color() != "red":
previous_as = _as
first = False
node = add_node(previous_as)
#return Response("<pre>" + graph.create_dot() + "</pre>")
return Response(graph.create_png(), mimetype='image/png')
def build_as_tree_from_raw_bird_ouput(host, proto, text):
"""Extract the as path from the raw bird "show route all" command"""
path = None
paths = []
net_dest = None
for line in text:
line = line.strip()
expr ='(.*)via\s+([0-9:\.]+)\s+on.*\[(\w+)\s+', line)
if expr:
if path:
path = None
net_dest =
peer_ip =
peer_protocol_name =
# Check if via line is a internal route
for rt_host, rt_ips in app.config["ROUTER_IP"].iteritems():
if peer_ip in rt_ips:
path = [rt_host]
else: # retreive as number from bird
ret, res = bird_command(host, proto, "show protocols all %s" % peer_protocol_name)
re_asnumber ="Neighbor AS:\s*(\d*)", res)
if re_asnumber:
path = []
print "Missing retreive some information for the path"
path = ["as?????"]
if line.startswith("BGP.as_path:"):
path.extend(line.replace("BGP.as_path:", "").strip().split(" "))
if path:
return paths
def show_route(request_type, hosts, proto):
expression = unquote(request.args.get('q', ''))
if not expression.strip(): abort(400)
expression = unquote(request.args.get('q', '')).strip()
if not expression:
set_session(request_type, hosts, proto, expression)
bgpmap = request_type.endswith("bgpmap")
all = (request_type.endswith("detail") and " all" or "")
if bgpmap:
all = " all"
if request_type.startswith("adv"):
command = "show route " + expression
command = "show route " + expression.strip()
if bgpmap and not command.endswith("all"):
command = command + " all"
elif request_type.startswith("where"):
command = "show route where net ~ [ " + expression + " ]" + all
@ -325,34 +476,48 @@ def show_route(request_type, hosts, proto):
if len(expression.split("/")) > 1:
expression, mask = (expression.split("/"))
if not mask and proto == "ipv4" : mask = "32"
if not mask and proto == "ipv6" : mask = "128"
if not mask and proto == "ipv4":
mask = "32"
if not mask and proto == "ipv6":
mask = "128"
if not mask_is_valid(mask):
return error_page("mask %s is invalid" % mask)
if proto == "ipv6" and not ipv6_is_valid(expression):
try: expression = resolve(expression, "AAAA")
except: return error_page("%s is unresolvable or invalid for %s" % (expression, proto))
if proto == "ipv4" and not ipv4_is_valid(expression):
try: expression = resolve(expression, "A")
except: return error_page("%s is unresolvable or invalid for %s" % (expression, proto))
if mask: expression += "/" + mask
if proto == "ipv6" and not ipv6_is_valid(expression):
expression = resolve(expression, "AAAA")
return error_page("%s is unresolvable or invalid for %s" % (expression, proto))
if proto == "ipv4" and not ipv4_is_valid(expression):
expression = resolve(expression, "A")
return error_page("%s is unresolvable or invalid for %s" % (expression, proto))
if mask:
expression += "/" + mask
command = "show route for " + expression + all
detail = {}
error = []
bgpmap = {}
for host in hosts.split("+"):
ret, res = bird_command(host, proto, command)
res = res.split("\n")
if len(res) > 1 : #if ret:
if len(res) > 1:
if bgpmap:
detail[host] = build_as_tree_from_raw_bird_ouput(host, proto, res)
detail[host] = add_links(res)
bgpmap[host] = extract_paths(res)
error.append("%s: bird command failed with error, %s" % (host, "\n".join(res)))
return render_template('route.html', detail=detail, command=command, expression=expression, bgpmap=json.dumps(bgpmap), error="<br>".join(error) )
if bgpmap:
detail = json.dumps(detail)
return render_template((bgpmap and 'bgpmap.html' or 'route.html'), detail=detail, command=command, expression=expression, error="<br>".join(error))
app.secret_key = app.config["SESSION_KEY"]
app.debug = True

View File

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ $(function(){
$(".request_type ul a").click(function(){
if ( request_type.replace("_detail","") != $(this).attr('id').replace("_detail","") ){
if ( request_type.split("_")[0] != $(this).attr('id').split("_")[0] ){
request_args = ""

templates/bgpmap.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block body %}
<h3>{{session.hosts}}: {{command}}</h3>
{% if session.request_args != expression|replace("/32","")|replace("/128","") %}
<i>DNS: <a href="/whois/{{session.request_args}}" class="whois">{{session.request_args}}</a> => <a href="/whois/{{ expression|replace("/32","")|replace("/128","") }}" class="whois">{{expression|replace("/32","")|replace("/128","")}}</a></i><br />
{% endif %}<br />
<a href="/bgpmap/?q={{detail}}"><img src="/bgpmap/?q={{detail}}" /></a>
<br />
{% endblock %}

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block body %}
{% for host in detail %}
<h3>{{host}}: {{command}}</h3>
{{host}}: {{command}}
<small><a class="pull-right" href="/{{session.request_type|replace("_detail","")}}_bgpmap/{{session.hosts}}/{{session.proto}}?q={{session.request_args}}">View the BGP map</a></small>
{% if session.request_args != expression|replace("/32","")|replace("/128","") %}
<i>DNS: <a href="/whois/{{session.request_args}}" class="whois">{{session.request_args}}</a> => <a href="/whois/{{ expression|replace("/32","")|replace("/128","") }}" class="whois">{{expression|replace("/32","")|replace("/128","")}}</a></i><br />
{% endif %}<br />
@ -9,6 +12,5 @@
{{ detail[host]|trim|safe }}
{% endfor %}
<a href="/bgpmap/{{bgpmap}}"><img src="/bgpmap/{{bgpmap}}" /></a>
<br />
{% endblock %}