acct-group/_bgpd 0: System group: _bgpd
acct-group/_rpki-client 0: System group: _rpki-client
acct-group/as-stats 0: System group: as-stats
acct-group/bird 0: System group: bird
acct-group/factorio 0: System group: factorio
acct-group/fort 0: System group: fort
acct-group/rancid 0: System group: rancid
acct-group/routinator 0: System group: routinator
acct-group/vintagestory 0: System group: vintagestory
acct-user/_bgpd 0: User for OpenBGPD
acct-user/_rpki-client 0: User for rpki-client
acct-user/as-stats 0: User for net-analyzer/AS-Stats and www-misc/as-stats-gui
acct-user/bird 0: User for BIRD
acct-user/factorio 0: User for games-server/factorio-server
acct-user/fort 0: User for FORT RPKI validator
acct-user/rancid 0: User for net-misc/rancid
acct-user/routinator 0: User for routinator RPKI validator
acct-user/vintagestory 0: User for games-server/vintagestory-server
app-admin/gandi-cli 1.6: Command line interface to products using the public API
app-misc/tmate-ssh-server 2.3.0: tmate SSH server
app-text/html2gmi 9999: Command line application to convert HTML to GMI
app-text/unicode 2.9: display unicode character properties
dev-cpp/belr 5.1.3: Language recognition library by Belledonne Communications
dev-cpp/libcutl 1.11.0_p20210806: A collection of C++ libraries (successor of libcult)
dev-cpp/libxsd-frontend 2.0.0_p20211005: A compiler frontend for the W3C XML Schema definition language
dev-cpp/xsd 4.0.0_p20210722: A cross-platform W3C XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler
dev-db/soci 4.0.3: Database access library for C++
dev-go/dns 1.1.31: DNS library in Go
dev-libs/belcard 5.1.3: VCard standard format manipulation library
dev-libs/belle-sip 5.1.3: SIP (RFC3261) implementation
dev-libs/icinga-php-library 0.6.1 0.9.1: Icinga PHP libraries for Icinga Web 2
dev-libs/libcli 1.10.2: Shared C library to include Cisco-like CLI into other software
dev-libs/lime 5.0.70: C++ library implementing Open Whisper System Signal protocol
dev-libs/olm 3.1.4: Implementation of the olm and megolm cryptographic ratchets
dev-libs/qcoro 0.4.0: C++ Coroutine library for Qt5 and Qt6
dev-libs/ucommon 7.0.0: Portable C++ runtime for threads and sockets
dev-perl/B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr 0.06: provides a C API for XS modules to hook into the execution of perl opcodes
dev-perl/IXPManager 5.8.0: Perl lib for IXP-Manager
dev-perl/MooseX-Traits 0.13: Automatically apply roles at object creation time
dev-perl/Net-sFlow 0.11: The sFlow module provides a mechanism to parse and decode sFlow datagrams
dev-perl/Parse-Method-Signatures 1.003019: Perl6 like method signature parser
dev-perl/SNMP-Extension-PassPersist 0.07: Framework to write Net-SNMP extensions using pass or pass_persist mechanisms.
dev-perl/Sort-Key-OID 0.05: Module extending the Sort::Key modules family to sort OID values.
dev-perl/TryCatch 1.003002: provide a nicer syntax and method to catch errors in Perl
dev-perl/ip2as 9999: IP to ASN mapping
dev-python/Rx 1.6.3: Reactive Extensions (Rx) for Python
dev-python/actdiag 3.0.0: actdiag generate activity-diagram image file from spec-text file.
dev-python/aenum 3.1.12: Advanced Enumerations (compatible with Python's stdlib Enum)
dev-python/aiosmtpd 1.4.4: asyncio based SMTP server
dev-python/anytree 2.8.0: Powerful and Lightweight Python Tree Data Structure
dev-python/authheaders 0.15.2: A library wrapping email authentication header verification and generation
dev-python/blockdiag 3.0.0: Generate block-diagram image from text
dev-python/cfu 1.5.0: Configuration file validation and generation
dev-python/ciscoconfparse 1.5.30 1.6.10: Parse, audit, query, build, and modify Cisco IOS-style configurations
dev-python/command-runner 1.3.0: Platform agnostic command and shell execution tool
dev-python/confu 1.8.0: Configuration file validation and generation
dev-python/cymruwhois 1.6-r1: Client for the service
dev-python/deepdiff 5.8.1: Deep Difference and Search of any Python object/data
dev-python/django 3.2.9: High-level Python web framework
dev-python/django-allauth 0.50.0 0.53.1: Django 3rd party (social) account authentication
dev-python/django-appconf 1.0.5-r1: A helper class for handling configuration defaults of packaged apps gracefully
dev-python/django-compressor 4.3.1: Compresses linked and inline JavaScript or CSS into single cached files
dev-python/django-cors-headers 3.13.0: Django App that adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers to responses
dev-python/django-cryptography 1.0: Easily encrypt data in Django
dev-python/django-debug-toolbar 3.2.2 3.4: A configurable set of panels that display debug information
dev-python/django-extensions 3.2.1: A collection of custom extensions for the Django Framework
dev-python/django-graphiql-debug-toolbar 0.2.0: Django Debug Toolbar for GraphiQL IDE
dev-python/django-gravatar2 1.4.4: Essential Gravatar support for Django
dev-python/django-haystack 3.2.1: Pluggable search for Django
dev-python/django-js-asset 2.0: script tag with additional attributes for django.forms.Media
dev-python/django-mptt 0.13.4: utilities for modified preorder tree traversal and trees of model instances
dev-python/django-pglocks 1.0.4: PostgreSQL locking context managers and functions for Django
dev-python/django-picklefield 3.1: Pickled object field for Django
dev-python/django-prometheus 2.2.0: Library to export Django metrics for Prometheus
dev-python/django-q 1.3.9: A multiprocessing distributed task queue for Django
dev-python/django-rq 2.5.1: A simple app that provides django integration for RQ (Redis Queue)
dev-python/djangorestframework 3.12.4: Web APIs with django made easy
dev-python/drf-yasg 1.20.0: Automated generation of real Swagger schemas from Django code
dev-python/dublintraceroute 0.4.2: Python bindings for Dublin Traceroute
dev-python/elasticsearch-py 7.17.6: Official Python low-level client for Elasticsearch
dev-python/falcon 3.1.1: A supersonic micro-framework for building cloud APIs
dev-python/flufl-bounce 4.0: Email bounce detectors
dev-python/flufl-i18n 4.1.1: A high level API for Python internationalization
dev-python/flufl-testing 0.8: Small collection of test tool plugins
dev-python/graphene 2.1.9: GraphQL Framework for Python
dev-python/graphene-django 2.15.0: Graphene Django integration
dev-python/graphql-core 2.3.2: GraphQL for Python
dev-python/graphql-relay 2.0.1: Relay library for graphql-core-next
dev-python/hunter 3.4.3-r1 3.5.1: Hunter is a flexible code tracing toolkit
dev-python/jinja2_error 0.1.0: Jinja2 Extension for Raise Error
dev-python/junos-eznc 2.6.6 2.6.7: Junos 'EZ' automation for non-programmers
dev-python/lazr-config 2.2.3-r2: Create configuration schemas, and process and validate configurations
dev-python/lazr-delegates 2.1.0: Easily write objects that delegate behavior
dev-python/loguru 0.5.3: Python logging made (stupidly) simple
dev-python/markdown-include 0.6.0: Syntax which allows for inclusion of contents of other Markdown docs
dev-python/markuppy 1.14: MarkupPy - An HTML/XML generator
dev-python/matrix-nio 0.20.1: A Python Matrix client library, designed according to sans I/OH
dev-python/mautrix 0.19.7 0.19.11: A Python 3 asyncio Matrix framework
dev-python/mkdocs-material 7.3.2: A Material Design theme for MkDocs
dev-python/mrtparse 2.1.0: MRT format data parser
dev-python/mysql-replication 0.31: Pure Python Implementation of MySQL replication protocol
dev-python/napalm 3.3.1: Network Automation and Programmability Abstraction Layer
dev-python/napalm-dellos6 9999: NAPALM Driver for Dell EMC OS6 Enterprise
dev-python/ncclient 0.6.9 0.6.12 0.6.13: Python library for NETCONF clients
dev-python/netmiko 3.4.0: Multivendor library to simplify Paramiko SSH connections to netdev
dev-python/nornir 3.1.1 3.2.0: Pluggable multi-threaded framework with inventory management
dev-python/nornir_napalm 0.1.2: NAPALM's plugins for nornir
dev-python/nornir_netbox 0.3.0: Pluggable multi-threaded framework with inventory management
dev-python/nornir_utils 0.1.2: Pluggable multi-threaded framework with inventory management
dev-python/ntc-templates 2.3.2: TextFSM Templates for net-devs, and TextFSM's CliTable wrapper
dev-python/nwdiag 3.0.0: nwdiag generate network-diagram image file from spec-text file.
dev-python/odfpy 1.4.2: Python API and tools to manipulate OpenDocument files
dev-python/peeringdb 1.3.0 1.5.0: PeeringDB python client
dev-python/promise 2.3.0: Promises/A+ implementation for Python
dev-python/pydata-sphinx-theme 0.8.0: Bootstrap-based Sphinx theme from the PyData community
dev-python/pyeapi 0.8.4: Python Client for eAPI
dev-python/pygal 3.0.0-r2: A python SVG charts generator
dev-python/pynetbox 5.3.1 6.6.2: Python API client library for NetBox
dev-python/pytest-benchmark 3.4.1 4.0.0: py.test fixture for benchmarking code
dev-python/python3-openid 3.2.0-r1: OpenID support for modern servers and consumers
dev-python/rcssmin 1.1.1: CSS minifier written in python
dev-python/rjsmin 1.2.1: Javascript minifier written in python
dev-python/robot-detection 0.4.0-r1: Module to detect if a given HTTP User Agent is a web crawler
dev-python/ruamel-yaml 0.16.13: YAML parser/emitter that supports roundtrip comment preservation
dev-python/scp 0.14.1: scp module for paramiko
dev-python/seqdiag 3.0.0: seqdiag generate sequence-diagram image file from spec-text file.
dev-python/sphinx-theme-builder 0.2.0_p1: A tool for authoring Sphinx themes with a simple (opinionated) workflow.
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-actdiag 3.0.0: A sphinx extension for embedding activity diagram using actdiag.
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-blockdiag 3.0.0: A sphinx extension for embedding block diagrams using blockdiag
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-napoleon 0.7: Allow a different format in dosctrings for better clarity
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-nwdiag 2.0.0: A sphinx extension for embedding network related diagrams using nwdiag.
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-seqdiag 3.0.0: A sphinx extension for embedding sequence diagram using seqdiag.
dev-python/tablib 3.1.0: Format-agnostic tabular dataset library
dev-python/textfsm 1.1.2: Python module for parsing semi-structured text into python tables
dev-python/tomlkit 0.7.2: Style preserving TOML library
dev-python/twentyc-rpc 1.0.0: client for 20c's RESTful API
dev-python/yamllint 1.26.3: A linter for YAML files
dev-python/yamlordereddictloader 0.4.0: YAML loader and dump for PyYAML allowing to keep keys order
dev-ruby/awesome_print 1.9.2: Pretty print your Ruby objects with style
dev-util/bcunit 3.0.2: BC Unit Test Framework
dev-util/cli 1.2.0_pre20210722: Command Line Interface compiler for C++
dev-util/clippy 8.4.2 8.5 8.5.2: Standalone clippy tool built from FRR sources
games-misc/fortune-mod-fforde 0.1: Quotes from Jasper Fforde books
games-server/factorio-server 1.1.76: Factorio is a game in which you build and maintain factories
games-server/minecraft-server 1.17.1: The official server for the sandbox video game
games-server/vintagestory-server 1.18.5: Server for Vintage Story
gemini-client/lagrange 1.12.1 1.13.5: Desktop GUI client for browsing Geminispace
mail-filter/sieve-connect 0.90: Sieve Command Line Interface
media-gfx/libsane-dsseries-bin 1.0.5_p1: SANE driver for Brother DS-series scanners
media-libs/bcmatroska2 0.23: Matroska media container support
media-libs/bv16-floatingpoint 1.2: BroadVoice 16 kbs codec
media-libs/ccrtp 2.1.2: GNU ccRTP is an implementation of RTP
media-libs/mediastreamer2 5.1.3: Mediastreaming library for telephony application
media-libs/noise-suppression-for-voice 1.03: A real-time noise suppression plugin for voice
media-video/jellyfin-ffmpeg 5.1.3_p1: FFmpeg for Jellyfin
net-analyzer/AS-Stats 9999: A simple tool to generate per-AS traffic graphs from NetFlow/sFlow records
net-analyzer/blaeu 1.1.8 1.1.9: Blaeu, creating measurements on RIPE Atlas probes
net-analyzer/check_ssl_cert 2.68.0: A shell script to check an SSL/TLS connection
net-analyzer/dublin-traceroute 0.4.2: NAT-aware multipath tracerouting tool
net-analyzer/mtr 0.94-r1 0.95: My TraceRoute, an Excellent network diagnostic tool
net-analyzer/munin-pdns_recursor 1.03: A munin plugin to graph some usage and performance stats
net-analyzer/munin-plugins-contrib-openntpd 9999: openntpd plugin for munin
net-analyzer/munin-plugins-contrib-ping 9999: Ping plugin for munin
net-analyzer/netsniff-ng 0.6.6 0.6.8: high performance network sniffer for packet inspection
net-analyzer/smokeping 2.7.3-r1: A powerful latency measurement tool
net-dialup/freeradius 3.2.1: Highly configurable free RADIUS server
net-dialup/freeradius-client 1.1.7-r1: FreeRADIUS Client framework
net-dns/asdig 0.97: Simple client for retrieving AS from IP published via DNS
net-dns/dnsperf 2.11.0: DNS Performance Testing Tools
net-dns/flamethrower 0.11.0: DNS performance and functional testing utility
net-dns/nagios-check_dane 1.1: Nagios/Icinga plugin for checking DANE/TLSA records
net-dns/nagios-check_dns_sync 9999: A nagios-like plugin to check that zones are synced
net-firewall/ipt_netflow 2.5.1-r2 2.6 9999: Netflow iptables module
net-im/Quaternion A Qt5-based IM client for the Matrix protocol
net-im/bluejeans-bin Verizon video conferencing system
net-im/gomuks 0.2.4 0.3.0: A terminal based Matrix client written in Go
net-im/profanity 0.13.1: A console based XMPP client inspired by Irssi
net-im/webex-bin Cisco video conferencing and online meeting software
net-im/weechat-matrix 0.3.0: Weechat Matrix protocol script written in python
net-libs/bctoolbox 5.1.3 5.2.16: Utilities library used by Belledonne Communications softwares
net-libs/bzrtp 5.1.3: Media Path Key Agreement for Unicast Secure RTP
net-libs/libtins 4.2: Multiplatform C++ network packet sniffing and crafting library
net-libs/ortp 5.1.3: Open Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP, RFC3550) stack
net-mail/HyperKitty 1.3.7: A web interface to access GNU Mailman v3 archives
net-mail/django-mailman3 1.3.9: Django-based interfaces interacting with Mailman 3
net-mail/mailman 3.3.8: Mailman -- the GNU mailing list manager
net-mail/mailman-web 0.0.6: Django project that contains default and url settings for Mailman3 Web Interface
net-mail/mailmanclient 3.3.5: Python bindings for the GNU Mailman 3 REST API
net-mail/postorius 1.3.8: A web user interface for GNU Mailman 3
net-mail/swaks 20190914.0 20201014.0: Swiss Army Knife SMTP; Command line SMTP testing, including TLS and AUTH
net-misc/FORT-validator 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.3_p20220607: FORT validator is an open source RPKI validator
net-misc/bgpdump 1.6.2: Utility and C Library for parsing MRT files
net-misc/bgpq4 1.4 1.7: bgp filtering automation tool
net-misc/bird 1.6.8 2.0.11 2.13.1 3.0_alpha1: A routing daemon implementing OSPF, RIPv2 & BGP for IPv4 & IPv6
net-misc/dhcpd-pools 3.1: ISC dhcpd lease analysis and reporting
net-misc/frr 8.4.2 8.5 8.5.2-r1: The FRRouting Protocol Suite
net-misc/ipdecap 0.7.2: Decapsulate traffic encapsulated traffic from a pcap
net-misc/ipv6calc 1.0.0 2.1.0 2.1.1 2.2.0 3.0.2 3.1.1 3.2.0 4.0.0 4.0.1 4.0.1-r1: IPv6 address calculator
net-misc/irrtoolset 5.1.3: The Internet Routing Registry Toolset
net-misc/nbcli 0.8.0_alpha1 0.9.3_alpha1: Extensible command-line interface for Netbox
net-misc/netcalc 0.6.2: Advanced network calculator and address planning helper
net-misc/openbgpd 7.7 7.8 8.0 9999: OpenBGPD is a free implementation of BGPv4
net-misc/openssh 8.9_p1-r2 9.0_p1-r2 9.0_p1-r6 9.1_p1 9.1_p1-r1: Port of OpenBSD's free SSH release
net-misc/rancid 3.13: Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ
net-misc/ris-pydot-graph 0.1: Draw a graph from RIS BGP data
net-misc/routinator 0.7.1 0.8.3 0.10.0: An RPKI relying party software
net-misc/rpki-client 7.8 8.0 8.4: Portability shim for OpenBSD's rpki-client
net-misc/urlview 0.9_p21: A curses URL parser for text files
net-nds/apachedirectorystudio Apache Directory Studio is an universal LDAP directory tool.
net-print/epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2 1.1.48: Epson Inkjet Printer Driver 2 (ESC/P-R) for Linux
net-voip/twinkle 1.10.2: Twinkle is a SIP-based VoIP client.
net-wireless/wavemon 0.9.4: Ncurses based monitor for IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN cards
www-apps/cinny 1.3.0: Yet another matrix client
www-apps/converse-js 6.0.1: Free and open-source browser XMPP chat client
www-apps/element 1.11.36: A glossy Matrix collaboration client for the web
www-apps/grafana-bin 8.4.1: Gorgeous metric viz, dashboards & editors for Graphite, InfluxDB & OpenTSDB
www-apps/libsignal-protocol-javascript 1.2.0: Signal Protocol library for JavaScript
www-apps/netbox 3.0.12: IP address and data center infrastructure management tool
www-apps/netbox-ddns 1.2.6: Dynamic DNS Connector for NetBox
www-apps/tt-rss 20230505: Tiny Tiny RSS - A web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) aggregator using AJAX
www-misc/as-stats-gui 0.2: Web GUI for AS-Stats
x11-libs/vte 0.70.2 0.70.3: Library providing a virtual terminal emulator widget
x11-plugins/purple-discord 9999: Pidgin/Purple PRotocol PLugin for Discord
x11-terms/rxvt-unicode 9.22-r9: rxvt clone with xft and unicode support